miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008

Christmas is coming soon!

Christmas is just round the corner...

Teachers, teachers have a look !

Students let's know about Christmas!!

Are you ready for Christmas? See how people prepare for Christmas all around the world :

2.- Do you know all these words related to Christmas time? Copy them down in your notebook to learn them:

3.- Once you know a lot of Christmas vocabulary...

But now everything is bright and joy this Christmas... Look what these Evil Elves have done with the Christmas presents and help Santa with them!

Enjoy playing!

* Can you burst the right balloon to make words? Play balloon burst

* The Santa in this game isn't real - he's a fake! Can you hit him with a snowball? Play Santa Snowball Shoot

* More Christmas games. Just choose one and enjoy playing! Play Action games

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008

What are you/they doing?

Practise the Present Continuous!
Click on the pictures and revise what you've learnt:

More online exercises to keep on learning:

sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008

What are you wearing?

1.- How many items of clothes and accessories can you name?
2.- Watch and listen to this video. You'll learn and revise different clothes.

3.- Practise what you've learnt! Do these online exercises!

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008

Celebrating Thanksgiving Day

In the USA, we celebrate Thanksgiving on November 27th this year.

Do you know how American people celebrate it? What are their traditions?

Learn about Thanksgiving day and answer this questionnaire:

Have fun coloring these pictures


How many turkeys can you have for dinner?

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008

Your daily routine

What do you do everyday? What time is it?

Learn about daily routines, practising these games

domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008


Halloween is celebrated on the night of 31st October. It's a very old tradition from Ireland and Scotland. Nowadays people celebrate Halloween in many countries in the world. Children dress up as witches, vampires and ghosts. They go to different houses in their street and shout:
"Trick or treat,
smell my feet,
give me something
good to eat."
How much do you know about this festival?
When is Halloween celebrate? Where are its origins? What's the meaning of "trick or treat?"?
Try this quiz!
Enjoy this Halloween playing some games!
Choose the game you want to play!

domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008


After doing all the exercises, practise on-line the verb TO HAVE GOT

1.- Join the personal pronouns with the correct form of the verb:

2.- Choose the correct answer:

3.- Change these sentences into negative form:

3º ESO Diversificación.- Singular and Plural Nouns

Try these exercises to practise singular and plural nouns!





More exercises!







miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2008

3º ESO A "Every breath U take"

Let's listen to this song while watching the video.
Then complete the worksheet given.

1º ESO and 2º ESO Vocabulary

Hi students! Once you've finished your classwork, it's time to have a bit fun learning vocabulary! Enjoy the game!

1.- Click on the link: http://www.vocabulary.co.il/

2.-Select "Hangmouse"

3.-Follow the instructions "Choose a topic and click ok"

4.- Select "SCHOOL"

How many words have you guessed?

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008

The 10 best places to find how-to videos

Nina is working on a new project
(She's always helping us to improve our lessons)
This is a great recopilation of 10 sites to find a lot of how-to videos.
I hope they will help all of you!

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2008


Summer has ended!
It's time to come back to school!
Start singing could be a different way to do it!

lunes, 11 de agosto de 2008


I've been working on my Picasa album. There is a great tool for teachers to order files and pictures as well as a great opportunity to share it with everybody.

jueves, 17 de julio de 2008

Intercultural Education

Here you are! An INCREDIBLE on-line dictionary in many different languages!
Look for the word you want to know and translate it into almost any language of the world!
You can even hear how it is pronounced!

lunes, 14 de julio de 2008


... to all my friends and mates who have passed the public exams!
A special mention to Mª Jesús and Mariani.
my son has brought them good luck!
Enjoy this moment!

lunes, 30 de junio de 2008

Click on the link below for a fantastic educational site for English reading practice.
There are many interesting topics divided by subject.
The English level is aimed at children and teenagers,
so it is manageable for our English students.

domingo, 29 de junio de 2008

Educational Software

This site provides teachers and students with several free educational software. You will be able to make a map puzzle, build a medieval castle or follow some steps for learning to read!

lunes, 23 de junio de 2008


Another useful web with a free online collection of MP3 ready-to-use!

Browse it by author or title, download the files on your computer and enjoy!

Videos for Teachers

Do you know this web?
It's an extraordinary site dedicated to teachers which contain lots of useful videos including many links to different websites dedicated to English learning and teaching.
Congratulations Russell Stannard for our work!

sábado, 21 de junio de 2008


As I'm going to work in a bilingual high school, I'm surfing the net looking for materials, ideas and teaching tips to share with the team of teachers doing this project. I find this web which is really interesting! There are lots of activities and links of different subjects: Technology, P.E., History, Geography, Science, Chemistry, Maths and so on.

Thanks Carmen Mellado for sharing it!

viernes, 20 de junio de 2008


Wow! I've just realized there have been more than 500 visits to my blog!
Thanks everybody for being there! I'm really enjoying this online project!

Using songs to learn English

Have you ever tried to guess what are the lyrics of your favourite songs?

Try this web and read the lyrics of the songs while you're singing!

Good point for learning English through music!

miércoles, 18 de junio de 2008

What a feeling!

I've just visited my new high school "Pay Arias" in Espejo.
Thanks everybody for your welcome.
I want to dedicate this song to all my new mates
This is how I really feel today!

martes, 17 de junio de 2008

Create your own comic

Surfing the net I've found this funny website about creating one's comics:

It's an encellent chance for our students to use English (or any other language) to create their comics as they can choose the characters, language, scenes and so on!

I'm sure they will make the best of it!

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2008

Links for French Teachers

I have added some links dedicated to French teachers as they are also teachers of a foreign language in our high schools and most of the time we share time and space.

martes, 10 de junio de 2008

World Atlas & Map Library

Today, I want to highlight this website:

It's about geography with detailed maps and information of every country in the world.

It gives us information about flags, cities, population and so on and includes two useful tools: a distance calculator and latitude-longitude finder.

There is also science and technology information:


I'm sure this site will be a useful tool for teachers and students

Enjoy your trip!

domingo, 8 de junio de 2008


Esta entrada va dedicada a todos/as los que a través de Maestros25 habeis entrado en el blog.

Si os apetece podeis dejar aqui algún comentario. Como vereis el blog aún es joven (solo unos días de vida virtual) pero este es mi reto personal como profesora de inglés en este momento.

Saludos a todos/as desde tierras cordobesas y mucho ánimo con las oposiciones.

sábado, 7 de junio de 2008

I love that teaching idea!

This is a website with really innovative, useful and ready-to-use ideas for our classroom.

The collection of topics, Class MeetingsClassroom MgmtFirst DayHealthHolidaysMathScienceService LearningTeacher TipsWriting/Language Arts - just to name a few is perfect for our bilingual lessons or crosscurricular topics.

Enjoy it!

jueves, 5 de junio de 2008

Pay Arias

After waiting patiently to the resolution of our new high school, I will be working in Espejo, a small village near Cordova. This is my high school, called "Pay Arias".


A bilingual, TIC high school with students of ESO.

I'm really happy of it!!!

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008


Great! "Yappr" is a web with a lot of short fun videos about sports, music,
comedy, news and other interesting topics as content to learn and practice English!

Choose the topic you prefer one and learn new words and expressions!

Pay attention to the pronunciation of the speakers or the narrator!

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008

Voz Me!

Look what I have discovered in Monica's blog!

"VozMe" is an online tool that offers applications and services to convert text into speech. Write any word, sentence or text you want to listen in English and "VozMe" will generate a MP3 either to listen or to record!

Think of the possibilities with your students to listen to the pronunciation of the words they don't know.

Listen to male and female pronunciation!

martes, 27 de mayo de 2008

Our fair!

Just in case you find a foreigner in the fair!
Pay attention and learn this lesson:


I want to share my blog!

Hello friends and mates!

I want to share this project with you.

I hope you find it useful!

Enjoy it!

Incy Wincy Spider

"Incy Wincy Spider" is my son's favourite son. I used to sing it when I was pregnant and now, I know he recognises it because he smiles when I sing it and stares at me opening his big eyes as much as he can. Isn't it incredible?

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2008

Time and visits

I've just added a clock and a counter - I hope it will start counting soon! -.
I'm really enjoying this project!!!!

Two new link categories!

I want to add two new link categories:

  1. Blogs.

  2. Pictures, Clipart and so on.

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

Links! Links!

Uff! Hard work to do! The links will be organized under diferent categories:

  1. General Links for Teachers
  2. Links for English Teachers
  3. Links for Students
  4. Dictionaries

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008


The next step will be to include a list of useful links either for teachers or students. I'm going to select among the ones I usually visit. I hope they will be useful for you too.

martes, 20 de mayo de 2008

I've decided that today - 20th May 2008 - is a very good day to start my blog. This is just a try as I am a "begginer" in this net-world, but as a Chinese Proverb says "you don't kwow what you are able to do until you do it"